In September 2021 I set off for a four month travel stint to Africa. I am an avid traveler and Africa has always intrigued me. I boarded the plane with a bit of trepidation as I didn’t know what to expect. During my time in Kenya I knew Africa was where I wanted to begin a long dream to bring HS students abroad. During those four months I had many ups and downs and have seen some of the most beautiful people, cultures and landscapes in the world. But it was Zanzibar that stole my heart. Once I arrived October 24th, 2021 I started looking at property the very next day. I have found a peace I have never known and a love for the people here.
The need in Tanzania is great as schools are lacking supplies, most homes are without running water, many kids sit on dirt floors while learning, the families are mostly impoverished but that doesn’t impede their kindness and humbleness in any way. It’s the sweetest experience to walk around and have shoeless kids see you and yell Jambo (Hello in Swahili). Their smiles are infectious and their charisma and charm is never ending. They have nothing but they are happy.
Zanzibar was the perfect place to get our feet wet with an international trip with purpose, so we set off in the summer of 2021 on our first trip abroad with HS students. We are expanding the project this year to include well building for communities without water in the villages in Kahama in the mainland.
I believe we can make a huge impact on their lives and in return we will walk away from this life Changing experience with gratitude in our hearts.
I hope you consider having your HS students join me this summer for a once in a lifetime experience.
Yes we are going to have a blast hanging out on the beach in Zanzibar. But travel has so much more to offer. When you contribute to the community the benefits begin to stack in unmeasurable and certainly intangible ways. We will be in an environment where we are spending time with kids and while we think we are improving their quality of life, something mysterious happens.
One of the things I have learned during my years of travel through developing countries is that often times first world problems aren’t really problems at all. While I have learned a great deal of patience, but more than that I have learned to put things into perspective and tease out what things in life are really important. Giving of oneself without the expectation of anything in return is a sign of real love. I want students to understand life is so much bigger than the world we live in. I want to instill in them ways to contribute on a world wide level.
Every High Schooler has something special to offer. In this program they will learn how to give selflessly of their time and learn what unique things they have that are inside of them.
In my personal experience the barometer of successful outcomes are measured in two ways. You have the immediate results which you can see right away but often times the most important outcomes are realized in hindsight and the growth that comes is ongoing.
i want kids to have a thirst for travel. I'm not talking about just going places. My intent is far deeper. Learning about new cultures, religions, languages and barriers to a successful life builds tolerance and acceptance of people.
My personal hope for each student is they find an appreciation for the life they have. I have seen kids who are severely impoverished and have nothing at all, yet they are still happy. That is something we can all learn from.
Things to consider and talking points to have with your students